Improving your visitor experience and ensuring their safety on your premises are important issues for the company’s image. But protecting the organisation from unwanted visitors is just as important.

Protecsys 2 Suite provides a more efficient visitor management process. It delivers a superior visitor experience, by cutting down on waiting times and issuing visitor badges faster. By adding your visitors to the access control system, you manage who is allowed to enter the building, when and for what purposes.

The visitor experience is an important element of the brand image. Visitor security on site is a legal obligation
Gestion des visiteurs accueil
A secure badge for each visitor
Key features of
visitor management software

Protecsys 2 Suite offers all the features, from coordinating visits in advance to greeting visitors and adding them to the access control system.

1 Visitor pre-registration: cut down on waiting times at reception, enter visit requests on the intranet, with personalised request and approval workflows.
2 Email notifications of visit requests, approvals or refusals for a more efficient and faster process.
3 Document management to guarantee that the visitor has provided all the required documentation: identity card, passport, certifications and accreditations, nationality.
4 Register visitors, scan the documents, print the visitor badge and related documents (e.g. security instructions), and assign access rights.
5 Print personalised visitor badges, including RFID smart cards and barcodes, to identify visitors on the site.
6 Register visitors by scanning their ID with OCR recognition.
7 Seamless integration with the access control system, with configurable authorised zones (car parks, barriers, elevators), and authorised building entrances (badge readers, terminals).
8 Complete reporting features and multi-criteria dashboards: by company, nationality, visitor, person visited.
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Key objectives of visitor management software

Automate your visitor management with Protecsys 2 Suite to optimise and secure a time-consuming and costly process.

Ensure the compliance and traceability of visits

this may be required by law or by the administrative authorities at certain sites (Classified Defence, Seveso, Critical Infrastructure, food defence) but it is always a widely recommended best practice.

Control access

assign specific access rights and dedicated badges to keep visitors safe, but also to protect the company.

Know who’s on site

in the event of an emergency evacuation, you must be able to identify all visitors on site and locate them quickly.

Improve the visitor experience

by cutting down on wait times.

Get reports and statistics

to manage visitor flows, and to retrieve data in the event of an incident or accident involving a visitor.

Improve compliance

particularly in terms of collecting and tracking visitor data, especially with respect to the GDPR.

We also need to keep track of over-curious visitors. We don’t want to let people wander around the building, in order to control our confidential information.


In addition to the visitor management features, the solution interfaces closely with the access control system, which creates value for the company.

Horoquartz leverages an integrated approach to visitor management.

Of course, you can use the software just for the visitor management features. But if you pair it with the access control software and our supervision solutions, it will deliver even more impressive performance. 

The solution is based on multi-site and multi-company web-enabled software with centralised or on-site management. This eliminates the need to deploy multiple software products. The system is accessible from any browser and is also available as a cloud-based solution. It is integrated into the company’s intranet portal.

Horoquartz delivers a global solution, including the visitor management module, printers, scanners and all the integration services.

Key benefits of automated visitor management



For your General Management:
compliance first and foremost
  • You can be sure that the proper visitor management procedures are always followed.
  • You can provide reports to the authorities or in the event of a site security audit.
  • You reduce legal risks through better visitor protection.
  • Demonstrate to customers and partners that visitor management is fully under control.
For the security system operator:
outstanding performance day-to-day
  • Superior visitor experience with shorter wait times, which visitors appreciate.
  • Automated procedures that save time for each user.
  • Easy integration with the access control system, and other safety and security management systems.
  • Receptionists can spend less time registering visitors.
  • Real-time view of visitor entries and exits.
For visitors:
a superior user experience, a feeling of security
  • No time wasted at the reception desk.
  • They are pleased that their visit was coordinated in advance, with a personalised process.
  • They appreciate the security measures, for their own safety and that of the company.