Horoquartz is aware of everyone’s role in keeping our planet safe. This is why we integrate the environmental and social impacts of all our decisions into our business strategy.


Since its creation, Horoquartz has been committed to being a responsible company, respectful of people and their environment.

We have obtained a Gold certification from the international organisation ECOVADIS, which specialises in the evaluation of sustainable development and CSR practices. Our overall score increases each year.

Horoquartz is also a MASE certified company (Manual for Health Security Improvement).

Social responsibility at the heart of the strategy

With a profound respect for the environment, Amano is committed to maintaining excellent levels of environmental quality at every step of its commercial and industrial processes (R&D, manufacturing, marketing and services).

By placing social responsibility at the heart of its strategy, Horoquartz strives to build a healthy and sustainable relationship with its employees, customers, suppliers and partners.

We have also adopted the fundamental principles of Amano:

« The right action »

Honesty, intelligence and respect for others are at the heart of this precept.

« Perseverance »

Making efforts to continuously improve is our priority.

« Success »

Success is impossible without passion and commitment.

Horoquartz part of the United Nations Global Compact Program

Because we also want to share our fundamental values, Horoquartz is a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest global voluntary commitment initiative in matters of social responsibility (more than 12,000 signatories distributed in 170 countries).

The Global Compact revolves around 10 universally recognised principles, grouped into 4 key themes:

  • Human Rights
  • Labour
  • Environnement
  • Anti-corruption

Horoquartz is also a member of the French SME Orientation Committee within the Global Compact France. Thanks to large-scale projects, the members of the Committee encourage SMEs and mid-caps to integrate social responsibility within their organisation.

The signatory companies and leaders undertake to integrate the 10 Global Compact principles into their organisations and to promote them within their spheres of influence. This is what Horoquartz strives to do.




Horoquartz has always made the sustainability of employment the cornerstone of its success. We work every day to improve:

  • Job stability: with 95.85% of employees on permanent contracts in 2023, Horoquartz gives priority to stable jobs in which talents can project themselves and flourish.
  • Diversity and inclusion: we fight against all forms of discrimination at work by treating our employees with respect, fairness and dignity.
  • Continuous improvement and mobility: upon arrival, each new employee joins our HQ Academy. Throughout his career, we support him so that he gives meaning and scope to his talents. Thus, more than 86% of our employees have followed training in 2023.


The respect for environment

Reducing its ecological footprint, helping to limit global warming, preserving life on Earth are major challenges. Horoquartz is committed to a concrete sustainable development approach. The 600 women and men of Horoquartz are fully aware of this: we all have a role to play.

Horoquartz is one of 99 French companies initiating the French Business Climate Pledge, a joint voluntary commitment in favor of the climate. In total, more than 320 billion euros in financing, research and development and innovation are committed, between 2016 and 2020, to transition to a low-carbon society.

We take a multitude of small and large actions:

of our payslips are digital
of our computers are Energy Star
800 mugs and water bottles
were distributed to ban plastic cups
of our paper is Ecologically Responsible
of our packaging boxes are recyclable
An AIRplus® wedging system
recyclable or compostable